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Teresa Giudice Blames Bravo For Being A Broke Ass


It seems that reality is smacking Teresa and Barney Devito in the face. Teresa is  just now realizing that she bit on more than she can chew by going on the Real Housewives. Since everyone knows of her embarrassing business and now she is even thinking on not returning to the show.

Dina A secret source told PopEater :

“If she wasn’t on the show, this all would be much easier,”

“Everything would be settled by now, but because she is now famous everyone is using the situation to get press for themselves and humiliate her and her family. It’s honestly got to the point where she’s not sure if she wants to come back for another season.”

“Teresa is sick of everyone knowing all her private financial business,..She didn’t sign up to be on ‘Housewives’ so that everyone could look into her bank account. Millions of couples go through what they are going through, except no one knows about it. It’s just not fair.”

Seriously what the fuck did she think was gonna happen?  Once you’re on a reality TV show you’re fair game and yes EVERYBODY is gonna know your business.If you fart the whole world is gonna hear it, and smell it too. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t be on TV pretending to be all kinds of mafia rich when it’s all smoke and mirrors and then get pissed off, once they find out you’re really a broke ass maxing out credit cards.

Seriously did this bitch not watch Tamra Barney on RHOC. Tamra Barney is the original Real Faux Housewife pretending to be all farting $20’s and shitting $100’s and the way that bitch was blowing money it sure made some people believe she was farting and shitting money. Then came all the other broke ass Faux housewives , Lynne Curtin, Sheree Whitfield, NeNe Leakes. But in the end that house of bullshit credit cards came crashing down in flames for each of these ho’s and it was so loud that everyone on TV and the bloggosphere knew it. I guess history must repeat it self.

 And since Teresa chose to be on TV trying to show off to everyone, this year it was her turn to look stupid. I bet her husband Barney Devito must be the one who is telling her to not go back on the show.  Dumb ass! If you want privacy why the hell ya’ all go on a TV show and become a public Z-list figure?  

Thanks to my reader Uwish for the heads up on this gossip!

Filed under: dina manzo, gossip, nene leakes, Real Housewives of New Jersey, tamra barney, TERESA GIUDICE, , , , , , , ,

5 Responses

  1. Shel says:

    Exactly Boss Lady. I don’t know if they realize, I’m sure they do, but they may be looking at jail time if the feds go after them for making false statements and fraud.

    So… I guess she is sorry… but that’s what she gets for wanting to be something she’s not.

  2. Lizzie says:

    These two shouldn’t have been so boastful about their money, their expensive cars, their jewelry, etc etc. It really came back to haunt them once the application was made to the bankruptcy court.

    Joe knows they’re in deep shit. That’s why he keeps making comments about living in an apartment over the pizzeria. Teresa’s just too self-absorbed to realize that her bragging and spending is what’s shooting them in the foot.

    I hope Joe’s new blonde at least has a functioning brain…

  3. cydney says:

    Boss Lady superb blog. Teresa is a compulsive shopper she cannot and will not stop spending money, she needs her rush.
    Her poor husband crashed his truck, nearly died, their home lost, everything gone, friendships put to the test. Tragic.

  4. brigitte mccullough says:

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