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Broke Ass Teresa Guidice Blows 60k On Tacky Ass Furniture After Bankruptcy


teresa and joe giudice



So Teresa Guidice’s bankruptcy garage sale is being postponed until October 3rd. And even after filing for being a broke ho’ and all this shit storm that’s going on because of her wild spending the bitch went out and blew 60k to refurnish her empty mansion  on bullshit ass things she don’t need. Teresa and Barney went out an blew that wad of dirty cash on :

$8,800.00 on curtains. $45,000.00 on wall hangings mirrors, frames, urns, chairs and tables for Teresa to flip. All this crap came to 60k . And I bet is some tacky shit that wreaks of gaudiness in all is cheesey glory.

 The Guidice’s lawyer is trying to defend her impulsive spending, saying that the reason she had to go and blow money on all that ridiculous expensive shit is because of the postponed auction ( postponed to Ocotber 3rd) that is coming up shortly. Which is the reason she is  going to have to refurnish her Taj Mahal mansion. I can understand this bitch having to buy furniture for her huge ass house. But why the fuck is gotta be a bunch of expensive shit? 60k ? Hasn’t she heard of Ikea?  Target?  Big Lots? Or the fucking second hand store? For fucks sake, don’t these morons have any common sense?

When the Guidice’s were trying to leave the court Barney got all butt hurt and yelled at reporters: “None of your business! Back off before I get pissed!”. Uh! No dude! You and Teresa choose to go on a reality low brow TV show, so that everyone and their momma drools over your faux- over the top , wannabe-rich lifestyle and now it all backfired on your asses, because the truth came out that ya’ all fronting. That’s why you’re pissed. Next time ya’ all wanna rip people off don’t go on a reality TV show and maybe everyone would not be pointing and laughing at you in your sad fishbowl. The only ones I feel sorry for are their children.

Click here for  original article.

Thanks to Asia and Lizzie for the heads up on this little piece of gossip.

Filed under: Real Housewives of New Jersey, TERESA GIUDICE, , ,

6 Responses

  1. mzfuller says:

    She had to spend that book advance shit up quicklike, So The trustee or her creditors wouldnt be questioning why she doesnt use some of those funds to pay her debts.

  2. Chow says:

    what ppl are not understanding is, they spent the money so it could not be counted as assests later on. If it’s gone, then the BK trustee can’t recoup it. It’s gone. If it was in a bank- they could have made them give it to those they owe.

  3. Uwish says:

    Now Chewbacca is blaming BRAVO of all people for her going bankrupt. Nothing says let’s bite the hand that feeds you like blaming them for all of your problems in life.

  4. AListAsia says:

    Woohoo! My name got mentioned! :ooove this site, come to it for all my housewives gossip. PS, WOW to the Salahi’s on last nights DC episode. Having thier lawyer contact Pauls publicist to say they must not be liable to pay for his party or else they wouldnt show up… sooo shady

  5. Lizzie says:

    I can’t stand this foreheadless asshole or her Neanderthal husband. Between the two of them they don’t have a single live brain cell. Maybe Bravo should just give these two the boot and be done with it. They’re just too stupid and self-centered to believe.

    Perhaps the state of NJ can find a way for these two to work off their crimes? Chain gang, anyone?

  6. moxy313 says:

    I think there is something seriously wrong with their children. It looks like a lot of inbreeding.

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