Realfauxhousewives's Blog


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Real Housewives Of New York, Ramona Singer Gets Snubbed By Her Ho' Stars


New bitches new ho’ downs, the drama never ends. Even though Jill “Jillaousy” Zarin, “Co Co Puffs” Kelly Bensimoron, Cindy “Bore Me” Barshop and Alex “Frankenstein Shoes” Mccord were all axed because supposedly the situation got toxic and now a new blend of toxic got introduced to the old blend of toxic waste, that is the New York Skanks it appears these bitches are all at each other’s throats already with a whole new set of cat-fights and bitch slappery fiascoes.  Ramona is the “asshole pariah” of this season and LuAnn de Lesseps plus Sonja Morgan are pushing for the empty spot of Queen Bee that Jill Zarin left behind.

 Although, the show is supposed to be “totally different than last season.” The  NY. Daily News reported the women have already divided into teams and Ramona is now fighting with her bestie Sonja (she must of found out Mario banged her.)

From NY Daily News:

A source close to the gaggle of ladies — who now include new additions Carole Radziwill , Heather Thomson , and Aviva Drescher — tells us the show will be “totally different than last season.”

Viewers who followed the Bravo reality show last season saw the “blonds” — Ramona Singer, Sonja Morgan and Alex McCord — face off against the “brunettes”: LuAnn de Lesseps , Kelly Bensimon , Jill Zarin and Cindy Barshop .

But now that Zarin, McCord, Bensimon and Barshop are no longer part of the cast, the insider says the veterans and the newbies have wasted no time in forming new alliances — and rivalries — for the upcoming season five.

“It’s Sonja, LuAnn and Heather vs. Aviva and Ramona,” says the source, who adds: “LuAnn and Sonja are now the queen bees of the show.

The latter alliance makes sense given that Drescherand Singer knew each other before they were castmates. That said, the source notes that Aviva is staying “more neutral” when it comes to her relationships with the other ladies.


Also an insider told Wetpaint that Ramona got ditched out of a London trip that these ho’s went on:

“Everyone was invited on the trip except Ramona,” the insider tells Wetpaint Entertainment. “It was a huge diss.”

But while the rest of the cast filmed overseas, fan favorite Ramona exacted her revenge by throwing herself a raucous birthday party at Manhattan’s Bar Italia on November 18.

“She had 24 of her closest friends there and did not seem to miss the other housewives one bit,” a guest at the party tells us.

Best of all? Ramona’s pals surprised her with a pinot grigio-themed cake. “We had it done by Heather Barranco Dreamcakes. It had an edible bottle of Ramona’s label of pinot and edible pieces from her True Faith jewelry line, all made of out hard sugar. The cake looked and tasted great.”

And of course, her guests drank the real version of Ramona’s vino throughout the afternoon.

“Ramona had a blast,” the insider says. “We all did. We spent the afternoon eating, drinking and getting down on the dance floor!”





Filed under: Alex Mccord, cindy barshop, gossip, Jill Zarin, kelly behemoth, Kelly Bensimon, Luann De Lesseps, ramona singer, real housewives of new york, Real Housewives of NYC, Sonja Morgan, The Real Desperate Ex-Housewives Of New York, , , , , , , ,

37 Responses

  1. Nikki says:

    Yaaaawwwnnnn. I am bored with all these ho’s & the new ones just got started. I seen all these house ho’s being kicked to the curb for good in 2012.

  2. Skeeter says:

    Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtle Time! You go Ramona!

  3. WhoRU says:

    So. Is there ever anything new here or is it always just a coarse rehash of stuff previously covered at other websites?

    This site is as tired as the franchise you jealous hags constantly complain about.

  4. admin says:

    Oh “Thank You Jesus” or “WhoRU” whatever name you are using this week to post your shit comments here. You know you are free to visit other sites if this one upsets you so much. I don’t understand why you are so emotionally invested in coming here to complain (unless you are one of the HouseSkanks) it’s sad really.


  5. cparkeast says:

    Cant wait now that horse face Alex and nasally Jill is no longer on. So funny, Bar Italia is down the street from me.

  6. WHoRu says:

    No. What is sad is the personal animosity you and the others here feel is okay to spew nonstop against women who have people who care about them. Children, mothers. You’re like rabid animals. All of you. You actually attack the children here. Are you that far gone that you cannot realize you are all pathetically jealous. It is obvious to anyone who doesn’t suffer from your particular pathology that you all would trade your lives in a New York minute to be any one of the women you rail against.

    You hate their spotlight because you crave it so much yourselves.

    Your only question should be; just how much DO we all really hate ourselves here?

  7. admin says:

    Ok WhoRu or Melissa or Jesus Barbie, or whichever skank you are. We are not jelaous of youse we ridicule you. Besides I can’t be jelaous of your spotlight and lifestyle because I have something you don’t have. And babe quit putting your self out there on the spotlight because you put yourselves there YOU nobody else YOU if I don’t clown on you other blogs will. I DON’T SPILL THE NEWS I RIDICULE THEM. Hey that should be my new tag line. Thanks WhoRu

  8. Nina Girl says:

    With Jill, Kelly, Cindy and Alex gone it could get interesting with the new ladies.

  9. WHoRu says:

    I know facts don’t really matter to you but here goes. I am in no way connected to ANY of the housewives or any television show in existence. I am simply someone old enough to remember when people had respect for themselves and each other. I shudder at the world that is devolving right before my eyes. The coarsening of the culture that is nowhere better captured than right here on this website.

    Nothing bears this out better than your crude language and sixth-grade grammar coupled with the semi-literate, rabid frothings of the regulars here.

  10. admin says:

    Yeah but I’m funny.LOL!!

    If you feel that offended over this blog DON’T COME BACK! Go to church and read your bible since you like preaching morals and other stupid bullshit you’re trying to spew out that I bet you don’t practice. What are you getting out of posting here? All you’re doing is messing up your blood pressure over something someone said online. If you are nowhere connected to the houseskanks then WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?? REALLY REALLY BITCH? AND YOU CARE WHY??? Why?? Do you think the housewives are gonna lick your crusty-grey ass hairs because you’re here defending their honor?? SERIOUSLY?? Why are you defending some bitches that woulnd’t piss on you if you where on fire?? SERIOUSLY?? Anyways thanks for posting. BYE NOW!!

  11. lisa says:

    *meow!* heee heee heee!heeee!!! @admin: Get it, girl!

  12. Beth says:

    Boss Lady
    Whoru go fuck your self!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hey WhoRU-We post here cause we want to. We are not de-evolving we are commenting on what we see. We like our crude language and don’t care about Typo’s. We are Real Housewives, Real Executive’s, Real Strippers,
    Real American’s, Real Moms, etc etc. You can’t upset us. We think you
    sound awfully bitter so that gives me a clue as to WhoRU! We live in the Real World and don’t front that we are something we ain’t. Yeah I said it, yeah I don’t need to use the word “ain’t” but I WANT too.

  14. Cristina says:

    And I’m not Anonymous my name is Cristina FOR REAL!

  15. Faux Real says:


    I’ll tell you who you are…in quatrains

    You are the the origin of crotch itch the skank
    No self-loathing lounge lizard would take home
    Even if your coochie tasted like single malt
    Scotch, doused in blue sapphire gin and Reserva tequila

    You are the despised, judgmental work bitch no one
    Likes at the office because you gossip and have contempt
    For prettier and more talented women in the building, they are loved
    Praised for their work- this makes you die a little each day

    You are the the kind of person that believes censorship is great and deep in
    The pitch black empty theater of your cold heart, you secretly wish for backward times;
    Slavery, Pre- suffrage days, no black president, no more non Caucasians In america
    Because you think America belongs to white folks, and men and that Jesus hates non Christians

    You are the person that hesitates to tip because you dissect the world by and consider others lower
    Than you, you are delusions of grandure and make yourself relevant by way of inciting arguments, you are a drama queen and love it when you see puppies and deer bloodied carcasses run over on the side
    Of the road, you are a sociopath

    You are unwanted


  16. Faux Real says:

    Now about t

  17. Faux Real says:

    The new York city ho’s; I hear Avova is Fran Dreschers cousin and an activist that had her leg amputated. I hear she is the chillest and seems like an inspirational person; the others sux and thier antics are predictable and boring. I especially can not stand Discount-Tess. Her tranny with a sore throat caterwaul makes my cochlea explode! I am ready for a new cast!

  18. Annak says:

    Really Whoru? Is making fun of these bitches offensive to you? These women have been chosen to be on this show because of their ridiculous personalities…..they are all fucked up in some way and I often find their behavior and views to be incredibly offensive….this site is for making fun of their bullshit! The Real Housewives show is not a documentary about real women….it is frothy, fun entertainment. Do everyone here a favor and go post supportive comments on the women’s blogs. And, ummmm, I’m pretty sure that I am not jealous of any of the cast members! Well….maybe a little jealous over some of their well toned asses….but that’s it!

  19. Cristina says:

    PS The NYC girls game fizzed out for me…

  20. Nikki says:

    WHore R U … I mean WhoRu , you are so friggin brave you don’t use YOUR real name (mine is Nicole for real) and you keep coming back on here & blasting and hating on us. If you truly red through all the comments and posts you would see that a lot of us like various housewives (I like Kathy & Rich Wakili who we can Wikipedia not as a knock but because that last name is difficult & looks like that) and when we dislike the low class behavior of some we comment. It is all for entertainment. Like TMZ on tv, Perez Hilton and more this is for
    entertainment. BL is a comedian & WhoRU if you don’t get the joke or if, you can take the heat then get out of our friggin kitchen you self righteous, pompous, dogmatic, lame, have no life douche bag!
    Next time you buy a product make damn sure it isn’t advertised on Bravo because that is what pays for Mz Andy Cohen & the boys to send these never done housework, alleged housewives to Punta Cana, Italy, Vail Colorado and buy all the pricey crap they cannot afford on their own. Jealous??? Not at all! I love my family & they love me, I have a great job where I am well thought of & own my home because my hardworking husband & I work our firm asses off to pay for to provide for our well behaved and lovable 4 kids, 1 of whom is adopted. So put that in your crack pipe and smoke it you spineless hating fool. Prostitution WHORERU!!!!

  21. Nikki says:

    I will admit I cannot type worth shit when I get riled but who cares. I
    guess there are just too many “ingrediendces” in my brain from my “cleansiness” or I am just “undecated” like Joe Giudice the fat, greasy, lawbreaking, hairy assed, drinken troll.

  22. BrokeSingleOCmom says:

    FauxReal, you rule!!!!! u were right on with your reply to “whore r u” …
    I might be mistaken but I’ve noticed that whenever there are comments made about the “cuntess luman” there’s always a pompous bitch defending the housewives. Also, that phrase “who are you” is typical of that tranny..

  23. Faux Real says:


    You rule lady! Yep! I noticed that too; it could be Lu-man; she’s got the “balls” to do that:) I see the same thing with TreeEazApe too! I guess I had to exerciser a mean streak with WhoRU… She really pissed me off when she insulted the Goddesses that are the commentators/ not haters and our beloved Boss Lady. And all too defend stupid bitches… Daz Crazi!

    Hope you had a great Holiday!


    Did it not freak you out to see Trailor Armweak lie to her husband in the limo; she is a total sociopath! How scary. If you see the episode Russell states Cuntmille is lying. I am beginning to believe she may have created this whole thing… And it drove him to madness and then suicide. Also that lil girl Kennedy is rude and ungratefully 5 years old.

  24. elizabeth says:

    LOL I love that it was SO obvious WHORU is just a troll. I also would rather party with Ramona than go on a trip with LuAnn.

  25. 808wave says:


    You are clearly a SELF HATER!!! LOL
    Can’t wait until you publish your thesis, BITCH. Let’s see where your useless arse picking leads you.

    That said, “God bless America, home of Free Friggin Speech for ALL Bitches!”

  26. Blu says:

    Wouldent ya just love to do a ” Table Flip ” on whoru

  27. admin says:

    Hey everbody WhoRu was the same fool that posted under the name “Thank You Jesus” on the post I made about censorship:

  28. Mel says:

    Goodbye WhoRu. Thanks for the memories. And BL, I love you babe.

  29. Annak says:

    I’d like to see some shit disappear from society too….Glen Beck, Fuckface Limbaugh, Crazy Eyes Bachman…well all of those republican candidate fucktards,Religion, Violent Video Games, Fast Food…. Yeah, there is a lot of stuff which pisses me off….but to seriously suggest censoring as a way of making the world conform to my standards is not what this country is supposed to be about….WhoRu doesn’t even acknowledge the copyright laws which this issue is really about…..but wants to use good ole Soviet style censorship to make content which she doesn’t like go away…..what a fucking moron, WhoRU, I suspect that you may be as stupid as Alexis Bellino….and that’s pretty fucking dumb.n may I suggest that you get a cause to support where you really help people who need it….orphans or abused women perhaps…..seriously, the bitches of the housewives franchise can handle gossip and satire, they wouldn’t be doing the show f they couldn’t… us a favor and don’t read this site! I wouldn’t show up at your church and start pointing out how much bullshit I thought was going on there.

  30. Nikki says:

    WhoRU was so hating & crazy I almost said “Oh hey Kelly (Bensimon) whats up?” But that would be systematic bulling & lets not encourage anymore psycho babble from WHORE RU.

    You ladies on this site rock starting with you BL you are the BL Queen.

  31. Calling _all_angels says:

    how did Republicans come in to this?

  32. Robin says:

    Hey, Bozos, we’ve had a lot of fun here for several years.

    If you’re uncomfortable or don’t like what you read. — please go to another site.
    We’re just offering our own sweet opinions (sometimes embellished).
    Our Boss Lady is the best and we love her.

  33. cydney says:

    Wrong place WhoRU URNOBDY POS GFY.
    BL loved the blog.:)

  34. Robin says:

    BTW, where’s my SoCal girl pal?

  35. Faux Real says:


    Satan satan satan, demons dark lord, beelzebub, lucifer…I mean Dick Chaney!

    Come on, can’t we respectfully agree that some political parties are vile? No? Well, it was worth a try. Republicans aren’t saints. Neither are democrats. No political party is perfect. This site was about Skank Wives not political discourse… If you can’t respectfully disagree and you don’t gave the cojones to look at your political party subjectively and with a patriotic responsibility for what’s best, equitable and prosperous… then you are nothing more than a blinded robot reciting rhetoric mantras….and for the record Republicans in office in this county ( mostly, but not all) are like RiDICKculo’s dong; a cock meat Billy club bashing over our heads!

  36. BrokeSingleOCmom says:

    faux real>> Happy Holidays!
    yep, Traylor’s reaction to cuntmille’s comments was just unbelievable. she didn’t say shit just stood there, why? because cuntmille has $$, that’s all traylor is after. I think that her little girl did see the two going at each other hillbilly style, throwing bottles at each other and that’s why she behaved that way.
    Russel and Traylor, from what I’m seeing those two deserved each other. I don’t believe the abuse, I think they were in a fucked up relationship where they hurt each other physically and emotionally.

  37. Faux Real says:


    Happy Season of Joy!

    Yup! Yup! That whole thing really shocked me- the way Trailor acted. She’s a dangerous person… Just wondering why the whole grifting shit Forf family swindling hasn’t come up…

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