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Real Housewives Of Beverly Hillbillies, Chankla Face And Ex-Husband Getting Sued For Investment Scam


Smile Russell and don’t’ embarrass me! I am smiling you ass-lipped bitch! Is it supposed to hurt this much?

I’m so NOT surprised by this! Taylor Armstrong  the same skank that I lovingly refer to as Chankla Face, is getting sued now along with her ex-husband Russell Armstrong for an allegedly investment shady business that supposedly these two ass-clowns pulled out of their ass in order to “live a lavish lifestyle” and keep up with the Beverly Hillbilly Joneses’ when they “successfully and secretly” pocketed some money from investors.  This whole shady scam of course blew up in their face like it always does with these trifling bitches.

A company called is suing these two dweebs for 1.5 million dollars because they scammed investors into thinking they were buying shares of the company, when Russell who was the CEO for NuWay Digital Systems, Inc. sold them bunk-shares and these investors believed him so they handed him over a million dollars; meanwhile the two con-artist duo pocketed the money and ran all the way to the bank with it. The investors got suspicious when Russell was laughing hysterically and rubbing his hands together and since Russell cannot even smile EVER because he suffers from permanent-pissed-off face, laughing can be a dead giveaway. He looks like he is always smelling shit doesn’t he? Maybe it was Chankla Face he was smelling, I don’t know. Russell and Chankla used the money to decorate their mansion, pay for Chankla’s daily ass lip injections (and you know that’s gotta be nine hundred dollars daily) and throw fifty thousand dollar parties for their little daughter that doesn’t give a shit one way or the other.

The Armstrongs and MMR had already reached an agreement over this mess, but according to MMR the Armstrongs flaked on it and now they want their money from these fucktards.

I bet Russell wishes he wasn’t broken up with Chankla Face or else he could of easily been hiding under her bottom floppy-ass lip and no one would of found his lying ass.

Thanks to all who posted and emailed the link!

Filed under: Chankla Face, rea housewives of Beverly Hills, Real Housewives of Beverly Hillbillies, russell armstrong, Taylor Armstrong, , , , , , ,

3 Responses

  1. Nina Girl says:

    Of course how is he going to pay for the future lavish birthday parties, her botox injections and whatever else comes along.

  2. cparkeast says:

    I tolja! He looks slimey. In the preview, she looks like a full fledged crack ho or meth addict.

  3. cparkeast says:

    Russell looks like he got shot of estrogen. He looks like an ugly woman – put a wig on him, you’ll see what i mean. Apparently, fug face beat up his exes too cuz he has anger issues. Saw it in Radaronline.

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