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Fugazi Rings For Bankruptcy Ho's And 7 Carat Rings For Old Ass Desperate Ho's

With each passing episode I can tell that Barney Devito looks worried as fuck that they him and Teresa are going to have to sell the marble mansion and move into one of the ‘suites’ above the pizza parlor because of their broke ass financial situation. Teresa continues to be in denial that their ass is broke .

We start this episode with the Guidice’s having their monopoly family night. This scene makes it look like Teresa and Barney Devito plus their children are just a normal happy family that pay their bills on time.

Barney Devito points out to a rip on the monopoly board and Gia says that it’s supposed to be like that. Barney Devito says that when he was a kid they didn’t make rips on the monopoly boards. Gia tells her dad, that’s because he is an old fart and the boards he played with as a kid were made when dinosaurs ruled the world.  Then Barney Devito threatens Gia with something stupid my dad would say. And tells her in his most New Joisey though guy accent: ‘I’m gonna have Audrina beat you up!’ And he means it too! Having the girls beat each other up must be easier than to have to spank the kids yourself. That way he has more time to go chase skirts, while Teresa shops and the kids are home beating each other up. That works!

Teresa brings up that their 10 year anniversary is coming up . She tells Barney Devito that she deserves a big present because she farted out 4 daughters . Teresa asks her daughter Gabriela what she thinks dad should get mom for her anniversary. Little Gabriela must be the rebel of the house because she mentions flowers and chocolates. Teresa says FUCK THAT I WANT DIAMONDS! Gabriela insist on flowers and chocolate and Barney Devito agrees.

Gabriela doesn’t look like any of the other girls. I think when Teresa gave birth to her she was switched by the nurse on accident. And some hippie chick somewhere out in the outskirts, country part of New Jersey, (Because I know they have it) is dealing with a little Diva that’s demanding her own pair of high heel leopard print size  2 children’s stilettos.

Also remember how she didn’t want to fight during the karate class but wanted to go eat instead. That’s the residual munchies from when her real mom was chowing on indica brownies. Yep, that’s not their kid.

Teresa keeps demanding her anniversary diamonds she says that after being married to Barney Devito for 10 years and farting out 4 children he needs to ‘Wow’ her and she don’t give a fuck if he is broke . Barney Devito better go out and get that dirty mob money, to buy Teresa those diamonds. Or find a truck that dropped some ‘on accident’, or sell his ass or do whatever the fuck he’s gotta do to ‘Wow ‘ her.

Barney Devito is showing his nervousness and knows he ain’t got the money for all that expensive shit so he points to the monopoly board and tells Teresa he will give her a Luxury tax ring  and she has to pay him 100 dollars. As illustrated in the monopoly board. Teresa is getting impatient and states that if he don’t ad some zeros to that Luxury tax ring and pay for it he ain’t getting none for a month. Said like a true diamond whore.  But at least she is not a coke whore.

Joker Face is planning a sweet 16 for daughter Christine. Christine says she would like to donate the cover charge fee she is going to charge at the door of her sweet 16 party to charity. I never heard of a birthday party where there is a cover charge at the door! What a good skeam! Joker Face says that since supposedly she gave birthto Christine she gets to take credit for Christine coming up with the charity idea and so Joker Face says she will make the sweet 16 party about herself and her 7 carat engagement drama causing ring .

Joker Face also says that she never had a birthday party ever in her life ever. Just like she never got arrested for pistol whipping and kidnapping charges. Yeap, she is so honest! She states the first time she ever had a birthday party was for her annual 47th birthday . But she never had a birthday party for her 47th birthday ever until she turn 47 the 47th time. So this is another reason why she is also hijacking Christine’s spotlight on Christine’s birthday and make it about herself.

By the way Joker Face has a right to claim credit for the charity sweet 16 event. Because it was all her idea . Well sort of, Christine came up with the original idea to give the money she ‘earned’ in the party to charity but Joker Face perfected the idea by telling Christine she will have to donate all the proceeds to the charity of Joker Face’s Embalming Fluid Botox Fund. Notice how they don’t mention which charity they donate the money to.

I am surprised Joker Face even invited her daughter Christine to her own birthday party. Well maybe it had to do with the fact that daddy dollars, was showing up and he foots the 10k per month. And the Bitch really gets 10k per month, although she tries to cry and say she gets nothing.

 One of my readers SoCalmama talked to that fool Thomas Stauband he told her he does pay Joker Face 10k a month but the bitch blows her money. I am just repeating what he told her. But I believe it. I mean how the fuck she affords them horse’s ass dingle berry hair extensions and battery acid botox injections that keep her face mask a plastic ,shinny, orange,  tone. I heard their expensive.That’s a lot of expensive shit.

Joker Face also confesses to the fact that when she was 16 she dind’t hang around a lot of other normal 16 year old girls. Since normally at the bordello’s and the stripper joints she worked at when she was 16 the oldest prostitution whores where about 17 and up and the men were all over 37. And this was back in the cowboy days when she was 16! Because back then they called the stripper joints a burlesque house which later evolved into a sleazier strip joint. Yeap she looked like she is lived long enough to dance burlesque back then in them cowboy days.

Jacqueline goes and cries to the God Mother again and asks her advice on Kim Grany-Tell who is a 4 faced bitch. The God Mother tells Jacquie that through Kim G, Joker Face has a window into her world. And she is right . The God Mother then asks Jacquie if Joker Face knows that Jacquie and Kim Granny-Tell are talking smack about her behind her back. Jacquie tells her ‘no’.

The God Mother says that she wouldn’t want to be Kim G, when the Joker  finds out. No shit! The God Mother says Kim G is a 4 faced Bitch that needs to find out where she belongs.Then The God Mother makes a good point about how Joker Face is trying to fuck with Ashley’s rest of her life. By pressing charges , going to court and making a bing stink over Ashley yanking her gettho weave.

When Joker Face was 25. That’s older than Ashley who is only 19. She was prostitution whoring, coke dealing, kidnapping and pistol whipping kidnap victims. That’s worst than Ashley who only yanked on her weave and is not a coke dealing, prostitution whore. At least not yet anyhow.

Teresa and Barney Devito have Jacquie and her husband Chris over, to get hammered and do bong rips. While the boys go shoot pool and worry about money problems the women sit around talking about all the gifts and diamonds that Teresa wants  for her anniversary .But Barney can’t afford.  Teresa says that Barney better make it ‘BIG’. Teresa wants what she wants and she don’t care if Barney has to suck a hobo’s dick to get her a diamond . She want it and he better produce it . Somehow. Teresa don’t want to hear about the bankruptcy shit it doesn’t exist. What a determined woman!

Barney brings up to  Chris, that it’s going to be his and Teresa’s  10 year anniversary and he is sweating it. He don’t know what to get her. Because ‘The money is not flowing like it used to…Now it’s just a’ trickling’. Homeboy is really worried you can tell. Barney stopped playing around about that shit like 3 episodes ago. Chris tells him to get Teresa a ‘Fugazi’. A fake ass ring that you would buy at the 50 cent candy machine at the 7-11. I guess when their thugs go out and collect that insurance money from local businesses they must be getting paid in nickels and dimes now.

Jacquie tells Teresa that Barney Devito should give Teresa , his ‘Crown Jewels!’ . Because that may be romantic. Teresa gets all confused and yells at Jacquie . ‘What do ya’ thank. I am Arrabic or samethang?

 Then we go to Caroline’s house . Where we find out that The God Mother’s son Mr. Golden-child who fell from grace, for getting kicked out of lawyer school. Has now joined the police academy. In like a couple days too. Albie is crying because the Police Academy forced him to shave his head. In case of lice. The God Mother , The God Father, Lauren and Albie’s younger brother Chris The Court Jester, are laughing at him for being a shaved bald motherfucker. Well at least that covers up his receding hair line so you can’t tell he is bald. As a matter of fact I think he should shave the rest of his head off.

Albie is the one in ‘The Family’ that has to be the ‘Squeaky clean’ one of ‘The Family’. So since he couldn’t cut it as a lawyer he had to become  a cop. Even thought he is saying this is only temporary it doesn’t make sense he just quickly joined The Police Academy and says he is going to quit as soon as this lawyer school thing comes through. Yea, well see.  Unless it really,pertains to the type of law he will specialize in as a lawyer. And of course it looks like he will be some kind of a criminal lawyer.Which that type of family would need. DUH!  Anyways, enough serious talk . Let me get back to clowning on these ho’s.

The God Mother was all pissy that her baby got screamed at Army Sargent style at the Police Academy. But whateves. She needs to cut that 9 feet umbilical cord to Albie. I don’t blame her thought. I have the same disease sometimes too. And it’s bullshit. The God Mother decides she going with Albie to the Police Academy next time the mean Sargeant yells at him and she is going to take him out. She will too!

The Court Jester asks whose ass he has to suck to be the ‘Mazor’ . Because his ass wants to maze people. The God Father tells The Court Jester to show support by shaving his head off. Christopher looks all worried because The God Father will make him do it.

Then we see a scene of Joker Face pimping out her surprisingly beautiful talented children with a bright but uncertain future. Joker Face is pushing her younger kidnapped victim Jillian into singing. Jillian cries while thinking  about how cool it would be, if only they can escape the claws of Joker Face Dirty Deeds.

Teresa and Barney Devito  are having their 10 year anniversary. Barney has no shirt on because he is so broke he lost that too. I am going to skip through these awful scenes with this neanderthal trying to find a fitting shirt. That’s pretty gross. Anyways Barney Devito has a driver take him and Teresa to the anniversary thingy. He takes her to the sleaze motel in a car, driven by a pervert who watches them kiss after Teresa had to beg Barney for a kiss like for 10 minutes.

Teresa gets to go on a chopper ride with Mr Devito and they get to go to New York. Were Barney Devito is totally lost , he don’t even know they’re flying over Central Park he calls it a ‘Nice park over there right in the middle of nowhere!’. Teresa’s dumb ass says she wants to do this ‘Like once a month’. Barney has that “OH OH!” Worried look on his face. He is probably thinking “NOOO!! What the fuck did I do!’ Now she wants to do this like once a month! how much is that gonna cost NOOOO!!!!

The pilot imforms Teresa and Barney that they have 6 minutes left and if they would like to see something else. Barney wants to see the Bahamas. But that’s 3 days away. And Teresa wants to go to ‘The Hamptons’ but Barney tells her they’re close. Teresa believes him!

Later on the romance continues as Barney Devito takes Teresa to dine her and … well it gets gross. He gives her a ring in a chocolate cake Teresa eats it and swallows it .  Barney Devito yells at her for eating the ring that Barney bought at the fifty cent machine down at the liquor store. Now that they’re broke an’ all. 

Teresa tells Barney Devito not to worry because she will get the ring out eventually. The poor butler that was assigned to wait on this couple of sick fucks had the look of horror in his face the whole time.

The poor man had to witness Teresa getting that ring out. But that wasn’t the grosses part of all . The grosses part of all was when the two neanderthals did it on the bed. The poor butler was so traumatized that at the end of his shift he ended up jumping to his death. But ended in the pool and somehow survived , so he is fine. But after what he witness he did go nuts and now he is at some mental ward after seeing that whole Teresa and Barney Devito sick display of caveman mating. It was pretty gross!!

Next some boring part with Albie trying to show Lauren and Chris all the fun stuff he learned at the Police Academy. Albie says he likes to be a good example to his younger siblings and prides himself on that. And right after he says that Lauren and The Court Jester end up ditching him after they send him on a bitch errand to get them water. Lauren says her and The Jester enjoy ganging up on Albie.

Joker Face gathers her daughters to a short meeting before Christine’s sweet sixteen. She switches her tone of voice to that creepy, baby manipulation voice the one she uses to manipulate her daugthers and she  tells her daughters : Alright girls tonight is Christine’s sweet 16 so I am going to make this night about me. And since your dad is coming with his new wife who is only a couple of years younger than me (more like 27 years younger that her) I am going to wear the ring he gave me for our engagement. This way I can make this night all about me. And it will also piss off his new wife and cause drama for them. Yaa Meee!!! Then she clapps like a retard.

Did ya’ all see Joker Face’s daughters worried sour faces when she was telling them she was going to wear that ring? Joker Face also makes sure to mention this  ring is 7 Carat.

Then is dress rehearsal. Christine is trying on many different dresses for her party and informs her mother she will be getting double d fake boobs pretty soon.Then it’s little Jillian’s turn to model her party dress. One of Joker Faces ‘friends’ Kathy is there offering Joker Face her friendly support. So she can be on TV famewhoring.

Kathy tells Jillian she should wear high heels to that mess, because Suri Cruise wears high heels and she is only 3 years old . Jillian reminds the 2 old bitches that she is only 11 and she don’t give a shit if the Virgin Mary was wearing high heels at the age of 3. She is not wearing them period.  Hold up here . So you’re telling me this little girl has to parent herself! Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. In some cases when your mother is the town whore, porn skank and you’re 11 you have to parent yourself and put restrictions on yourself. Specially when you see your mom’s busy revolving door with different guys named John coming in and out of the house. Pun intended!

Finally is Christine’s sweet 16 and Joker Face has arranged for her daughter and their friends to have pedicures, manicures and a forbidden bordello room. I was waiting to see a pole and Joker Face swing from it. But Instead Joker Face decided she wanted to waive her 7 Carats ex-engagement  ring her ex-husband gave her in her ex-husband and his new wife’ face hoping this will created some drama for them later on and because she gives herself the title of ‘Best mom in the world’ . You know when she is not starring in home made porn videos.  That Bitch doesn’t know when to quit. I bet the new wife has had to deal with some nightmarish, psychotic, bullshit from this jealous ho’. If only the new wife would speak up.

Ashley got a ride from her momma Jacquie to pick up her court summons. For punishment Jacquie makes her walk all the way to the mail building by herself. Ashley doesn’t give a shit and thinks the whole thing is funny. Genius Ashley says she is going to counter-sue Joker Face. Jacquie asks her ‘For what?’ and Ashley’s intelligent answer is ‘I don’t know!’

 Ashley also states that she is ‘Like exicted’ about all this shit. I bet if she was caught, on another reality TV show named COPS and her ass got pulled over while her and her boyfriend were high and stealing a car and saw the cops coming, she would say some ignorant shit like  that. Jacquie wonders is Ashley says all this bullshit to be a smart ass, since Jacquie is such a mature example of mother hood. Well the turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole.

Filed under: CAROLINE MANZO, DANIELLE STAUB, dina manzo, jacqueline laurita, Joker Face, Kim Granatell, Real Housewives of New Jersey, TERESA GIUDICE, The Brownstone, , , , , , , ,

The Real Housewives Of DC Wine Throwing Fight/ Michaele Salahi Accuses Whoopy Goldberg Of Hitting Her

Obama State Dinner Uninvited Guests


The Real Housewives of DC will premiere tonight and I haven’t even started fucking with  them yet.

These ho’s where all at a party to celebrate castmate’s Catherine Ommanney’s 39th birthday at a place called Trader Vic’s . When suddenly husband and partner in crime of White House Gate Crasher Michaele Salahi , Tareq Salahi. Threw a glass of red wine at cast mate Lynda Erkiletian . Who looks like the zombie bride of Frankenstein on crack. But regardless of what she looks like,  the fact that he was physically attacking a woman is WRONG! And should not be tolerated. That fucker obviously has aggression problems with  women .  After throwing the wine at Lynda’s face, who responded by throwing her drink at him. Tareq stormed out .When asked  by reporters , what was up with the wine throwing, Tareq answered“You better mind your own business,”. His dumb ass wifey Michaele trailed after him like a lost puppy dog and the other bitches sat there with their mouths wide open. Well it is our business since they decide to parade their business in this Drama filled Circus TV show.

Here is what was reported:

The new drama mamas on the reality TV front wasted no time learning the ropes of the ‘Real Housewives’ franchise.

Cast members of ‘The Real Housewives of D.C.‘ made a splash at a private poolside party at Trader Vic’s over the weekend–by throwing cocktails at each other. And this was when the cameras weren’t rolling.

Unfortunately, the ‘Housewives’ hissy fit did take place in front of three reporters, yours truly included, and we got splashed in the crossfire.

Attention-cravers Michaele and Tareq Salahi, aka the infamous White House Party Crashers, were at the center of the melodrama–no surprise there–which went down after the NBC/Bravo All-Star Party Friday night on the rooftop of the Beverly Hilton Hotel, where the cast was promoting the premiere of the latest ‘Housewives’ spin-off.

While sitting at a table with about a dozen guests and fellow costars, Tareq Salahi suddenly threw a glass of red wine at cast member Lynda Erkiletian. She retaliated by heaving a glass of Perrier water back at him.

Salahi then stood up and stormed off to his cabana room, as his baffled blonde wife Michaele trailed after him, leaving those left behind speechless, stunned–and stained in red wine.

When we asked what prompted the wet and wild incident, two guests of the Salahi couple told us, “You better mind your own business,” and then they also abruptly left.

The confrontation put a damper on cast mate Catherine Ommanney’s 39thbirthday, which she was celebrating that night. When I asked her what it was like filming the show withthe controversial couple, Cat rolled her eyes in disgust. It’s like that…”I mean, what gentleman throws wine at a woman’s face? Who does that? Someone with no class.

 The British interior designer, who admitted she gets some of her designer frocks from consignment shops, says she agreed to participate on the show so she could put her children through school.

But would she do it again? Cat says she won’t do a second season if the Salahisare involved: “They couldn’t pay me enough to be on the same show with them again.”


Apparently the other housewives already have a problem with the Salahi’s. Because they’re wannabee fronters. And because of their famous White House Gate Crasher 2009 scandal. I have a problem with that shit too. Because of their shenanigans of crashing the White House Party they may have cost White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers her  job and I bet they don’t give a shit. Yeap, I’m gonna put them through the grinder! It’s the least I could do.

After all this shit went down with the wine throwing fun. They also started shit with comedian Whoopy Goldberg. Those fucktards are accusing Whoopy of “outrageous abuse.”The  Salahi’s lawyer Lisa Bloom, states Goldberg grabbed Salahi’s arm and said, “Move on, move on! Get to the White House!,” . Then she claims that Michaele was shaken up. ‘The View’ hosts were also fucking with these turds ala Teresa Giudice The Human Pinata Dooffus. When Co-host Sherri Shepherd told them “You guys should be in jail,” all the audience was clapping and laughing. The Salahi’s got butt hurt. What the fuck do these turds expect after the way they act? Michaele also claims that after the show ,Whoopy entered her dressing room cursing at her saying “Fuck this and fuck that. Did you say I fucking’ hit you?”.


Here is what was reported on Yahoo news earlier:

On the Wednesday broadcast, Goldberg can be seen walking onto the set, putting her hand on Salahi’sarm and saying something (inaudible to the audience). Goldberg was apparently exasperated with Salahi for wandering off-topic, and wanted her to return to the subject of White House party crashing.

After the taping, Salahi and her husband, Tareq, accused Goldberg of “outrageous abuse” and blasted the comedian-actress on their Facebook page and elsewhere, The Daily Beast reports.

Watch these videos below when the ho’s are arguing :

Filed under: Lynda Erkiletian, Michaele Salahi, tareq salahi, The Real Housewives of DC, , , ,

Mia Farrow Look Alike Peggy Tanous Is The New Real House-Skank In Orange County/Lynn Curtin Booted Out?



Here is a picture of New House Slut of Orange County Peggy Tanous when she married her son. YEEE HAAA!!

The latest victim to join this trainwreck famewhoring show for my sick entertaiment  Housewife to join the cast of Real Housewives of Orange County is none other than Peggy Tanous. Whoever the fuck she is. Bravo didn’t have to dig too deep under the gutter rocks to find this skank, since she is friends with Duck lips Alexis Bellino. Looks like they both are members of the Tijuana Fucked Up Plastic Surgery For Fugly Overdone Skanks Clinic.

When I first saw a picture of this ho’ I didn’t read the headline just looked at the picture and I thought to myself ‘Why are they letting Mia Farrow be the next housewife of OC? Bitch looks like Mia Farrow and Joker Face mated in the pits of Hell while Satan watched them at his birthday orgy and then  one of them gave birth to  a fucked up baby. What’s up with that plastic , I had too much battery acid injected in my face, look? She looks at least 13 years older than her husband with that clown ass face.

Also RadarOnline reported that, Tamra Barney will be appearing with her new boy-toy Eddie Judge. We will not have to see anymore of Simon. Thank God! That abusive fucker got in my nerves the last few episodes, that he even made me feel bad for Tamra. Maybe now that Tamra got herself a younger man she is happier with, she wont be as obnoxious. But then again it’s Tamra so I don’t expect much improvement from her.

Here is what RadarOnline reported:

Producers have inked a deal for the attractive blonde and her Internet entrepreneur husband Micah Tanous to join the existing cast, and we’ve learned that the husband and wife have already filmed some scenes for the new series.

Peggy Tanous is a friend of current OC housewife Alexis Bellino, and insiders have told that she’s “truthful and blunt – who always tell it the way it is.”

The new additions have already appeared in previous episodes of the popular reality TV show and producers are hoping that they prove to be popular with viewers. has also learned that Simon Barney, estranged husband of Tamra Barney, will not be appearing in the new series.

But her new boyfriend, Eddie Judge, will be making some on-screen appearances in the new series because he has proved very easy to work with in the past.


Rumor has it that Lynne Curtin may of been booted out. I guess Bravo realized since her and Frank got evicted from their Faux-Fabulous life style and all the cards came crashing down when everyone found out what Real Broke Ass Fronters they really are. Filming them at their new home . In the trailer park . Wasn’t gonna work in trying to make the viewers believe her broke ass lived a plush life.

This new tramp thinks that being on this show is gonna be fun and everyone is gonna love her. I guess she doesn’t read the blogs! PENDEJA!




Well I guess we will just have to whatch what happens . And then I will decide if I like this new ho’ or not. In the words of the God Mother. ‘I don’t like you until I like you!’. Bitch!


Filed under: alexis bellino, DANIELLE STAUB, gossip, Joker Face, mia farrow, Peggy Tanous, real housewives of orange county, tamra barney, , , , , , ,

Old Comments About RHONJ That Link The Drama Puzzle Together Plus The Real Cheating Husbands Of New Jersey?

All this craziness with the whole Teresa and Joe Giudice bankruptcy yard sale, has brought some attention to some old comments that were posted way before The Real Housewives Of New Jersey was even aired. Some of these comments took place while the show was being filmed. I saw this website before the show aired but I don’t recall reading all these crazy comments.

At the time these were posted we didn’t know the dirt on the housewives. But now when you read the comments and compare them to the shenanigans of these housewives you can see that a lot of these were posted by people that possibly knew these women . I only picked the most outrageous ones but if you want to read the rest click on the link to the site. Ashley Holmes posted some angry comments on there also, she put her name and everything. And some look like they were written by Joker Face, because you can see that even in her writing she calls women ‘ woman’. I think even Kim Granny-Tell is in there somewhere.

There is also a few comments that mention how the housewives husband’s should have their own show too. Because they’re scandalous and cheaters and maybe dangerous too. Who knows if this is true or if all the hateful bullshit was posted by Joker Face because she is a jealous ho’. But these comments were an interesting read.

Towards the bottom of the page I posted some more recent comments that I took out of a website called ‘Homes Of The Rich’ . On that site they thrash Teresa and Barney Devito about them being fronters, not having as much money as they pretend to have and about how Joe has this younger blonde girlfriend. Again I don’t know how much of that is true or not or if they were just posted by the Joker to stir up more shit. I don’t know about Barney Devito having a mistress  . He can’t even afford a wife . Those bitches are expensive.

Click here to read the original comments On Common Ground . Sorry if I posted too many . There was too many good ones.

 June 25, 2008 11:20 PM

Anonymous said…
Down to earth?!! Umm did anyone see my big fat fabulous wedding with Tommy and Dina? Well Dinas on Real Housewives now, along with her sister and 2 other obnoxious women. I know all of them and they dont have the money that they portray to have!! This is going to be a hysterical show!!!!!

June 30, 2008 2:40 PM

Anonymous said…
I dontknow if you read the post’s above, but this is my FAMILY your talking about.
Do you have access to their bank accounts? No, you don’t. So how can you commment on money?? You can’t.
And if you knew them as good as you seem to think you do, you would know that they are down to earth.Jealousy is a bitch, huh?

July 01, 2008 3:09 PM 

Anonymous said…

I know the ENTIRE family of some of the “wives” being filmed. Bravo is missing the boat. Some of the men are much more interesting. A little “dangerous” too!

July 01, 2008 5:44 PM

Anonymous said…

i wonder who all these people are that saythey know my family…I wonder if they really do…I’m so curious, that’s why I check this board everyday…We have been waiting to see how long it would take people to start saying BS…I wonder who everyone is?

July 02, 2008 11:42 AM

Anonymous said… Your “family” is obviously a bunch of attention getting morons. what is this, the 4th reality show they have tried to capture attention with?!? They make themselves look retarted… they may have money, but sure as hell are lacking CLASS.

July 02, 2008 7:39 PM

Anonymous said… ***TO THE PERSON WHO WROTE AT 5:35***Get your facts straight, moron. The only one to ever do anything with TV was Dina and that was one show about her wedding. Judging by your ignorant comment, I will go on to assume that you don’t know them or anything they are about because you couldnt be more off with your ridiculous assumptions. Like I said, we were ready for a**hole, wanna-be’s to start talking sh*t. I guess we just didnt anticipate the “hating” to begin so soon. I guess we shouldnt underestimate the power jealousy.


July 03, 2008 8:42 AM

Anonymous said…

No jealousy at all…you all want attention, thats why your trolling the only website talking about the show so far. You guys are a big laugh to people around here, thats all im saying. Nothing to be jealous of AT ALL.


 July 13, 2008 10:14 PM

Anonymous said…

The reason I am “trolling” a website is because the show is about my family and I am interested in what people are saying. I don’t know one single person that would not be “interested” about a show about their family? Why are YOU “trolling”? Why do you care? Who are YOU to judge? If your not jealous, then why would you lookfor a website and take the time to comment SEVERAL times? It doesn’t make sense. If your not interested, then don’t pay any mind to the situation and share your negative views. We don’t want them and we don’t care what you have to say. We do these things because it’s fun and because we can. Most (NOT ALL) people would take such an opporunityif it came their way as well. By making these negative comments, all your doing is creating more hype (which will result in better ratings!), which is great, so thanks!


July 27, 2008 3:40 AM

Anonymous said…

One loser is definitely from Franklin Lakes. Her wedding was on Platinum Weddings. What next? Is Dina the one who cheated on her first husband? Rich as in illegal wealth? So impressive!

August 04, 2008 10:34 PM

Anonymous said…

Once again we have an idiot talking from their a**. I am a close friend of the entire family, so let me correct this moron. Big Fat Fabulous Weddings first of all. Cheating on first husband? Unless it was with you or your husband,its nothing but gossip. And lastly, unless a catering hall has been recently outlawed, their source of income is quite legal. Please stop hating. Aren’t you embarrassed? This is a fun, very cool family that most people wish they were like. Send me your name and address. Maybe I can get you an autograph.


August 06, 2008 3:49 PM 

Anonymous said…

I heard that they are driving around looking at houses that they cant afford, pretending they are going to move. PATHETIC. And she left her former husband for Tommy, FACT not rumor “family member”. Stop defending them, they are putting thereselves out there…they are going to be criticized.
Um most people wish they were like them?? They are white trash with a little bit of money that got to their heads.

August 09, 2008 3:00 PM

Anonymous said…

Putting “thereselves” out there?? Enough said. You prove what an idiot you are each time you write.You sound like an angry ex-friend or maybe even an ex “family member”. Get over it. Its all in fun. Lighten up a little.


August 09, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said…

They are definately white Trash looking for attention. That’s so sad…. fake boobs and all

August 11, 2008 12:52 PM

Anonymous said…

I don’t know these women personally, but nothing good is ever said when their names are brought up. You are calling people “hating” on you “pathetic”?? You are the ones stalking websites at 2:15 am defending yourselves. You are a joke to people around here… But keep telling yourself that people are “jealous”. Just goes to show what garbage you really are 🙂

August 10, 2008 6:24 PM 

Anonymous said…

anonymous….you fool…you have absolutely no idea who these people are..i know one thing for sure you are a jealous bitter person that doesnt know them. if you did you would have your facts straight…you poor pathetic fool…

August 13, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said…

Yes, these woman have a lot of money and big beautiful homes but no brains!!!! Their husbands like to spend lots of time in strip clubs I wonder if they will show that on the show??? They “pimp” their children out in beatuy pagents instead of teaching them morals and values.This show is going to be hyterical we get to see what rich, trashy, uneducated woman do with their time. Did any of these woman attend college, I think not!!!! To think one of the woman even had breast implants for the tapping of this show, haha! I am sure the NY cast will have a field day with this show. Come on everyone lets get french manicures and pedicures for the premiere of the show. Notice how the show didn’t go to the real rich towns such as Short Hills, Livignston, Chatham, Madison, etc. They know where all the drama would be.And no I am not jealous. These people do not have moeny in the bank they have charge cards thats all!

August 19, 2008 10:23 AM

Anonymous said…

one of the pathetic losers that are on this show, is a very close relative of mine. Don’t understand how that show chose her to be on tv. If anyone knows who I might be talking about, what an idiot, clueless mother and a housewive that has no idea what her husband does and who. She definitely needs a reality check.

August 19, 2008 5:05 PM

Anonymous said…

I know one of “housewives” very well. I could not agree more withthe above comment. It may look like they havemoney but, that is not the case! Why don’t these mothers go read a book to their children instead of running around with cameras in their face. Just from knowing some of the girls on this show I can see why Bravo didn’t pick woman with real money and class they picked the dumb ones with no class and charge cards, it makes for a better show. Why don’t they donate some money to chairty instead of worrying about out doing each other with material things

August 19, 2008 5:13 PM

Anonymous said…

Totally agree with previous comments. I know the two sisters on the show and know a third housewive (not so much a housewive at home) I would love to see a show about their so called husbands. I know alot of ones’ husband and he definitely is not too involved with his wife and three kids. But what she don’t know, she will never have a clue about!!!!!!


August 19, 2008 11:13 PM

Anonymous said…

Girls,girls,girls. I was just told of this nasty blog by a YOUNG family member of ours. I am also related to 2 of the “housewives”. Please don’t go to the level of these horrible envious woman and even respond to them and their crazy lies. It is quite obvious WHO they are and WHY they do this so let it be. They are the JOKE since the girls don’t pay any mind to this at all. Let them fight with themselves and self distruct:)

August 21, 2008 10:53 AM

Anonymous said…

You’re pathetic and so is anyone else who thinks this show is a good idea! I hope these women are ready for what skeletons will come out of their closets! Especially their husband’s closets!

August 21, 2008 11:42 AM

Anonymous said…

A few of the woman on the show are originally from Paterson, NJ. Don’t forget your roots girls!

August 21, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said…

Haha! WOW, you think of bunch of drama filled, uneducated, materialistic woman who spend their days shopping, taking their kids to a modeling agencies, in and out of children’s boutiques, hair salons, and wondering what their husbands are up to and where they are represent the state of NJ????? I think NOT! I can’t wait for the show also! I can’t wait for them to see what FOOLS they look like!

August 23, 2008 8:35 AM

Anonymous said…

Well I can say that these comments are from nj. To know a person so well and see her on this show, it so proves what she wishes she was. Born and raised in Paterson and and then thinking that she has the wonderful life that these women so called have on this show. This is all just a show because that woman has nothing just a bunch of credit cards with a high balance!!!!!

August 26, 2008 2:27 PM

Anonymous said…

Do not worry, these women CAN and WILL supply the drama. Bravo will not have much work to do. They picked these women because they know they are dumb enough not to care how they are portrayed. Some of these girls are attractive, wealthy, and interesting. That is if you consider woman who shop all day and gossip all day interesting. The economy we live in today is at its worst. More then half of Americans have homes in foreclosure, parents can’t afford back to school clothes for their children, and middle class Americans are going to food banks. What are these rich women doing to help those less fortunate then them, NOTHING! I bet they don’t even know who is running for President!

August 26, 2008 2:56 PM

Anonymous said… How about the fact that 2 of the housewive are ex strippers/hookers? Or that another is ok with her husband sleeping around? I guess thats class..I guess people are totally jealous of you guys!
“Family Member”–please dont speak, you obv. dont know your “families” past’s.

September 03, 2008 4:41 PM

ashley said…

i personally think all of you should just shut up and go get a life… seriously. i hope you guys are teenagers and not grown women…cuz if you’re all grown women leaving comments on a random blog about a reality show… really makes me wonder if YOU’RE the ones not getting attention from your men. – and where are your children while you’re sitting at your computer ? hmm.. i think you all need to grow up and stop creating petty high school-like drama on a blog about the new jersey housewives… why do you all give a shit about them anyway ? jealous maybe ? if you don’t like them so much why bother taking time out of your “perfect” lives to comment this? does it make you feel better about yourself? what do you gain out of this? is this the kind of shit you haveto do to feel like you’re special or something? it’s stupid. besides…WHO ARE YOU to gossip and talk shit about these women? -all of you that claim to them ..obviously don’t know them very well…i can assure that NONE of them were hookers…also,to the women who defend the ladies on this show…thank you…but you should just stop…WHO CARES what these people are saying? they obviously have no life.. and nothing better to do ..they’re all pathetic. you’re better than them. let them think what they want to matter what you say to defend yourselves or the women on the show…they’re going to keep gossiping and talking shit…just leaveit alone… i am actually a daughter of one of the housewives on the show… and honestly once this show airs… i don’t give a damn what you’ll all say about me…i don’t really care what you’ll think of me…because either way you’re all going to think what you believe…but when it all comes down to it…there’s nothing you could say that would effect me at all…and I’M SURE all the other housewives on the show feel the same way too. my mother never comments because she honestly doesn’t give a shit.we all laugh about this blog and joke about how stupid all of you are. and i’m sure the other housewives do the same .–it’s gossip. GROW UP LADIES…and stop being so bitter__this is my FIRST and FINAL post.


September 05, 2008 10:24 AM

Anonymous said…

 You should go read a book so you don’t turn out like your mother! Stop spending so much time on the computer

September 05, 2008 1:00 PM

Anonymous said…

The people who post negative things on this blog must be ugly and are jealous because the ladies on the show are beautiful, funny and entertaining. That’s sad..
And for all the people that “know” one of the housewives and are stilllll talking shit…let’s see how quick they jump to the other side and kiss their ass once their famous..can’t wait!! That’s when the real drama will start…!

September 05, 2008 9:38 PM

Anonymous said…

Looks like that’s what you are doing!!!! Hoping for a apperance on the show????????????

September 06, 2008 9:42 AM

Anonymous said… oh please, I saw one of the housewives just recently. I don’t need to kiss anyones’ ass especially her. Don’t know wjat definition of beautiful, funny, entertaining your talking about and believe me no one is kissing her ass in this family. She came from nothing and now she thinks she’s living that perfect lifestyle. Believe me everyone in this family is laughing at her. She’s a mess!!!CLUELESS about life! Try having a conversation with her, “what a dumbass”

September 09, 2008 7:11 PM

Anonymous said…

Wow. Just found this site and am amazed at how many negative and angry posts there are about a tv show! I saw filming a few weeks ago at a photography studio in Ridgewood. I saw Dina and Tommy on “My Big Fat Wedding” and thought they acted a bit over the top and trash-mouthed. Tommy and his brothers own a very nice, locally popular event/catering hall. I know alot of people who know them and use their facility frequently (which is in Paterson.) Many were a bit turned off by how they acted on WE TV. Do they really want all this controversy and attention again? WHY?? I think it may be bad for business!:)

September 10, 2008 10:39 PM

Anonymous said…

It is bad for business! We were looking to have my daughters wedding at the brownstone and after reading this and seeing the show on WE… NO WAY!!!!!! I would never give these people $1 of my money.

September 11, 2008 5:31 PM

Anonymous said…

It’s a shame to see how CRAZY people can get. It’s also sad to see what a little bit, again a little bit of money can do. I am curious to see what the men are up to, F the women. They are so yesturday, the men are having all the fun. F-N around while there wives are shopping. They should have called this show the cheating housemen of New Jersey. Anyone, that knows them, knows thats TRUE. The only reason they are still married is because there credit cards are all maxed out and can’t afford to retain an attorney.

September 11, 2008 11:15 PM

Anonymous said…

I am a friend of Teresa’s. Based on your posts I know who you are. It is really sad that you need to do this to make yourself feel better. She wouldn’t do this to you. Cut it out before the family finds out and you cause a family war over this nonsense. Is it really worthit? Also, YOU need to pick up a book- your spelling and grammeris that of a fiveyear old. As far as people who wont give another dime to the Brownstone…your loss,the place is amazing. No worries, go pay twice somewhere else. All of you nasty bloggers need to get a life and stop obsessing over others. Really.

September 12, 2008 10:33 PM

Anonymous said…

Tommy and Albert have come a long way to re-build their father’s business, however, all of that hard work will go out the window!!!! Because their customers do not want to see them acting like fools with their hard earned money. Tommy’s wedding was ridiculous, and he got a pass on it. But not this time. Now they park their Ferrari’s and Bentley’s outside to push it in our faces, they should rename the Brownstone — Goumba Johnnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 15, 2008 9:30 AM

Anonymous said… I’m getting bored reading about the same old thing. Brownstone “this” Brownstone “that” doesn’t anyone know anything about the other 4 losers or are they just on the show to use up camera time. I kinda feel bad for them, they obviously had NO attention before and still getting NO attention Now. Except for the one comment about the stipper thing (thats true). But, again she’s only married into the family somehow through the Brownstone, so she don’t matter.

September 18, 2008 8:27 PM

Anonymous said…

Girls, Girls, Girls, you are giving these women waaayyyy toooo much attention. I actually know them and their lives are not that interesting. I can’t imagine what they could possibly put on camera. If you ask me the show is gonna end up being a flop and “the real disappointment of NJ” Sorry!

September 24, 2008 4:47 PM

Anonymous said… wow…Teresa’s “family member” just won’t let up will she? Don’t you see that someone is about to expose you girl??? Do you want your dirty laundry aired??? Cause I think it’s about to happen. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones now should they???
I suggest you cram it, before you are really sorry that you ever decided to write your first evil envious lie on here. Let it go now before someone starts writing the FACTS about you. I haven’t told her about this blog yet, but you just don’t want to let up. I really think it’s time to stop before you make a bigger fool of yourself honey. Don’t make me go there, cause I WILL 🙂
Let the fans make their own judgement on these girls…I think they are going to love em.

September 26, 2008 8:48 PM

Anonymous said… HOLY CRAP!!!
I am one of the girls that did the show. I had no idea that we were so “popular” or even that interesting for that matter. What the hell is going on here???
Some of these blogs are quite obvious who they are- good and bad. For those who have been nice…thank you for havin’ our backs. For those who are nasty…it’s kinda sad really. If you have issues with us…let us know to our faces. You obviously are not just random people that google a show that hasn’t even aired yet. We don’t care what the general public will say when it airs…we put ourselves out there so we will have to take the good with the bad. WE KNOW…WE KNOW
So at this point all I could say is lighten up…it’s just a silly show.
God…I don’t know if we should be flattered or if I should update my security system…I’m gonna go with the security for now.
By the way, I was going to put my name on here…but I will make you wonder just like we have to about you. 🙂


This is more recent comments from another website called ‘Homes Of The Rich  about the Giudices and supposedly Joe’s girlfriend:

georgia peach says:

I heard they have both parents living in the downstairs of the mansion to help babysit and cover the mortgage. So NJtowaco mole do spill the dirt about joe’s girlfriend and when did he get caught? Do tell inquiring minds want to know.

  • CarmenLucianaMarellaDonatellaAnnaGiancarloVanettiDiCarloMozzarella says:

    Joe has taken Tara to construction sites already. The guys have known about her for sometime. Teresa’s going to be in for a big surprise when Tara has her “reveal.”

  • CarmenLucianaMarellaDonatellaAnnaGiancarloVanettiDiCarloMozzarella says:

    That would be the young blonde woman named Tara….Joe has taken her to construction sites and the guys have met her.

    Teresa’s on her way out whether or not she knows it….

My parents know Theresa and her husband Joe very well. I’ve met her and her family a few times before I moved to Beverly Hills,CA and she is not a wealthy person at all, She and her family lived in a mini shack before that mansion that they can’t afford. IDK? how they owe $11 million to the credit card companys? They have always borrowed money from my parents and never paid it back. If they know they couldn’t afford the house why even risk getting it build like it doesn’t make sence. It’s hard to figure her out.


Filed under: Ashley Holmes, CAROLINE MANZO, cheating, DANIELLE STAUB, dina manzo, gossip, jacqueline laurita, Joker Face, latest news, Real Housewives of New Jersey, TERESA GIUDICE, The Brownstone, , , , , , , , ,

Teresa Giudice Becomes A Human Pinata On 'The View'


I don’t usually watch ‘The View’ because as you bitches know I’m like Vicky Gunvalson I have a job. So I’m at work when ‘The View’ is on. I don’t want to end up a broke ass foreclosure bitch , with 11 million dollar debt. You know, I want to afford my fancy lifestyle.So unfortunately I don’t get to play on my blog all day like I would like to, so that I can entertain you bitches all day. Fortunately though, I was able to catch the disastrous interview on YouTube were the bitches of The View tore Teresa a new asshole.

The way Teresa was squirming, reminded me of Gretchen Rossi on her first Housewives reunion were she was confronted about Jay Photoglou. I used to really like Teresa but just like all the other housewives that I take a liking to .She ended up disappointing me with her shenanigans. Was up with all the fakery and fronting from these housewives? Why? I’m telling you these bitches go in debt just to flaunt all the shit they can’t afford and the same is happening with Teresa and her 11 million dollar tab.

That one bitch that looks like Bette Middler . Whatever the fuck her name is, sat next to Teresa and straight up asked her if Barney Devito is a slumlord and how can her ass live within her means if she is 11 million dollars in debt? Then the bitch sat there and straight up laughed in Teresa’s face. It was insane. But necessary because ya’ all know damn well that Miss Andy Cohen always pussy foots around the questions he trows at these bitches someone had to call her out on her bullshit. I am surprised Teresa didn’t get up and flipped the table at those saps when they interrogated her ass. Maybe because she was alone and her home girls Jacquie and Ashley were not there to back her up. Well she may as well get used to getting interrogated FBI style because when the IRS and or lawyers interrogate her ass they are not going to be as nice as the folks at ‘The View’. That was baby talk.

 Seriously how the fuck you gonna be 11 million in debt because all the renters at all her buildings lost their jobs at the same time on the same day?When I read in the blogosphere comments that the buildings they own are supposedly, section 8 buildings. Which means that the government is paying something like 80% or more of the rents. I don’t exactly recall how that works in New Jersey but I do know, just like everyone else that has a brain has figured out that this would not put these people in 11 million dollar debt.

Teresa refuses to take responsibility for her wild spending and just admit that she likes to rack up shit loads of debt and shop, shop, shop.To show off to the world that she lives this fabulous lifestyle of fancy cars, wild shopping sprees, expensive show off parties and chocolate covered diamonds. Why? So that everyone can talk shit about Jersey girls because they’re just jealous?Jealous of what? Some chick that makes herself looks like an ass on national TV blowing her money on stupid shit like cheesey ass Liberace furniture to later be found out to be a fronter that isn’t as rich as she tried to make us believe, just like all the other dumb bitches before her that went into debt to show off a lifestyle they could never afford or keep up with? Some chick whose whole life is displayed out there including the specifics details on her and her husbands various debts? And whose bankruptcy yard sale date is being broadcast for everyone and their grandma so that they all can show up to her front yard while they mock and  laugh at her when they auction off her beds and furniture in total humiliation? Come on!

When those fuckers at The View asked her if she regretted that she went on this low brow TV show to play pretend rich wife she tried to say she did not. I am not sure that someone like Teresa would regret going on this show enduring this humiliation. Maybe she is that oblivious. I don’t know.

But her huusband Barney Devito . Shit! I could tell you that fucker is banging his head on the wall of their section 8 rat infested building in regret cursing the day he  let Teresa be part of this housewives circus of shit. You know he wants to crawl under a damn rock to never be seen again. Those are the vibes I got from him on last nights episode were he was ‘Being cranky’ and he told Teresa he was going to ‘kick her ass’ If she kept putting lotion on him.  To be a fly on the wall at that marble mansion would be priceless. Maybe I should start learning astral projection so that I may teleport to these bitches houses and find out the Real lifestyle of these Faux-Housewives. If walls could talk they would write a fucking blog the size of Texas!

Filed under: gossip, Real Housewives of New Jersey, TERESA GIUDICE, , , , , ,


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